Innovation Management

Pi Innovation

The innovation method for improving products and making ideas tangible.

Always a reliable outcome: Pi Innovation structures innovation in five steps.

Making ideas tangible. Improving products. That is innovation: product innovation, to be precise, also known as incremental innovation. Are you and your team grappling with an idea or problem and searching for a solution?
Our Pi Innovation services support companies with the development and validation of product innovations. And to encapsulate our aims, we have borrowed a letter from the Greek alphabet – Pi, the number 3.14, a mathematical certainty. For every radius, Pi calculates the circle’s circumference and area – and the result is always accurate. This is Pi Innovation’s claim as well: we optimise products and develop prototypes. With reliable results.
Pi Innovation has a five-step product innovation structure:
1. Explore: first, understand the problems and needs of the customers and the market
2. Create: start the creative development of the product
3. Prototype: develop a testable prototype (minimum viable product)
4. Validate: validate and evaluate the result
5. Business Modelling: finally, create a business model and receive the first customer feedback

Pi-Innovation builds. On ideas and products. What do you want to improve?

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Workshops, conferences, concerts, shows, open days. Innovation takes on countless forms. Come and visit us!

NOI Bozen-Bolzano | Fraunhofer Italia ARENA
11:00 - 12:15
Tech Transfer
NOI Bozen-Bolzano | NOISE
18:30 - 20:00
Open Data Hub
NOI Bozen-Bolzano | Seminar Room 2
08:30 - 18:30