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"At NOI, everyone is on board: companies, researchers and start-ups. In addition, we have a strong European network. We will find you the right people."

Stay ahead of the game. We share our knowledge and know-how.

Innovation works best when projects are tackled together: more ambition, fewer bottlenecks and bolder ideas. At NOI, we promote synergies, which we see as the key to shaping the future. To this end, we establish networks, create paths of cooperation and organise B2B matches. As a member of the EEN network, we open the gateway to Europe. Gain access to our knowledge.

Innovation works best when projects are tackled together: more ambition, fewer bottlenecks and bolder ideas. At NOI, we …
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The full package. And expanding your network is part of it.

Networking & Cooperation

At NOI, we set know-how into motion in four technology sectors: Green, Food & Health, Digital and Automotive/Automation. We connect companies, research institutes and universities. We create opportunities for cooperation. In South Tyrol and across Europe. With experts and start-ups. Because the future belongs to companies that keep moving.

Start-up Match

Where is the potential? We bring companies and start-ups together. It is matchmaking in the business sense. At NOI, successful matchmaking is a four-step process: setting goals, searching for start-ups, filtering the shortlist and connecting partners.

EU Partnering

Have you outgrown South Tyrol? We tap into the EU’s networks through B2B matching events and the Europe-wide European Enterprise Network (EEN). As an official member, we hold sway there. The partners your project deserves are within reach.

Lab Desk

52 Labore arbeiten im NOI an einer besseren Welt. Für dich reserviert: gemeinsame Forschung, Auftragsforschung, Analysen, Labortests. Ratlos? Hol dir Hilfe beim Lab Desk. Wir finden das passende Labor für dich. Samt Forschenden und Finanzierung.