EU Opportunities

EU Partnering

Is South Tyrol too small for you? We have European connections that will benefit your company.

We carry weight in EU networks. We can find suitable partners anywhere.

Want to expand your network? Drive the technological development of a product? Enter the market of a new country with a local partner? Ask us how we can help. We will guide you and multiply your innovation and research opportunities by connecting you with companies, research organisations, institutions and experts from across Europe and beyond.

We have a strong network in Europe and are an official partner of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). That gives us weight.

These are the concrete services we can offer your company:
• B2B Matching Events. We organise meetings with potential partners. Before the event, we identify those international candidates who seem best suited to your company. In this way, you can make valuable contacts in a more targeted manner during your face-to-face meetings.
• Business partner database. We give you access to the EEN database with anonymised profiles in all sectors. You can offer products, services and expertise or search the registered profiles.

So what do you say? Our network is ready.

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