Readily available, highly aromatic and very versatile: Pesto is a popular kitchen classic. Even though the recipe is easy to make, the production of a high-quality and safely storable pesto has its pitfalls. The innovative Roboqbo technology makes it possible to preserve the sensory properties of the individual ingredients during production, while at the same time providing a pesto of reliably high quality. We'll see how this is done using the Roboqbo from the Culinary Craft Academy of the BASIS Vinschgau Venosta. Watch the production process, have a taste of the result and find out what the Roboqbo can be used for: on June 6, 2023 in our Kitchen Lab test kitchen at the NOI Techpark in Bolzano.
The event will be held in German and Italian without simultaneous translation.
Registration by 01.06.2023