The project AlpBioEco uses innovative methods to promote the sustainable economic development in the Alpine region; it aims at strengthening awareness and knowledge about the economic potential of bioeconomy and actively supports interdisciplinary and supra-regional cooperation to develop innovative business concepts.
Together with 12 other project partners from five countries in the Alpine region the value chains of walnuts, apples and Alpine herbs with regard to their bioeconomic potential will be examined. Based on market studies, laboratory analyses and the exchange of knowledge between the different actors, innovative business ideas will be developed. In Sigmaringen and the other project regions, key players will be identified, missing partners activated and innovation gaps identified. This results in at least two concrete business concepts for each of the three value chains. These concepts will be implemented and tested in transnational pilot studies in the Alpine regions.
This projects is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. Support from the European Union: 1.820.666€.