Application Form

Students Sprint

For students

Complete the application form and give us a short statement of motivation (up to 150 words). Show us why you should be one of the selected team members.

Contact details


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Select the programme you are currently enrolled in

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Year of enrollment
1st year, 2nd year, …

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Indicate your Average of Marks in your current unibz courses
Grade Point Average – GPA/30

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Motivation statement
Why would you like to participate in the Students & Company Sprint? (up to 150 words)
Motivation statement
0 / 1.500  characters

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Which challenge would you like to work on?
(Show your preference (1 - high preference to 3 - low preference)

sta-Südtiroler Transportstrukturen AG
Mobility as a service with usage-based charging. The aim of this challenge is to provide commuters from the periphery to the urban centres (and back) with a usage-based (not flat-rate) booking, tariff and payment system. The system is intended to provide a significant incentive to travel without the private car as far as possible. In addition to buses and trains, services such as car sharing, bike sharing, park & ride, bike boxes and carpooling should also be included in the concept.
Preference Challenge 1




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Mila Bergmilch Südtirol gen.u.landw.ges
Fresh milk. The logistics challenge. Thousands of customers in the Trentino Alto Adige region buy their Mila fresh milk every day. From the cow to the store in 24 hours. What was already an immense challenge for drivers, the cold chain and distribution logistics in the past is made even more difficult by travel time regulations and labor market conditions (employees work 6 nights a week!). Is this enormous logistical effort justified or are there alternatives? Can logistics be organized more efficiently and sustainably? In view of our market success to date, do we in the company overestimate the importance of daily freshness? And finally: how can more efficient logistics be reconciled with the product innovation and communication? 
Preference Challenge 2




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Rubner Holzbau GmbH
Facilities for the urban cyclist of the future. The ever-increasing use of bicycles as a means of transport brings with it new requirements, especially in cities. In addition to the growing need for bicycle parking spaces (more and more bicycles in the city), there is now also a need to increase the security of parking (increasingly expensive bicycles) and to find places where cyclists can possibly change or store their equipment and do other things. So far, there are only a few examples (the bicycle car park in the Netherlands). Challenge: Cities are not yet prepared for this high degree of bicycle integration. Parking convenience in particular still needs to be significantly improved.
Relevant stakeholders: Those responsible for mobility and urban planners.
Users: Cyclists
Preference Challenge 3




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Your experience

Tick the boxes that are relevant for you (please consider both university and other experiences/courses attended – please notice that only few items might be relevant for/apply to each student)

I have experience in Hackathons or other open innovation events

I know what a business model canvas is

I have experience of business planning

I have a basic knowledge of product development processes

I have experience of design thinking methods

I have experience in the methods of groupwork

I have experience in presenting/pitching an idea concerning a product or service

I have experience in making systematic web searches

I have a basic knowledge of the circular economy

I have a basic knowledge of service design

I have a basic knowledge of Industry 4.0 / smart farming technologies

I know the main trends and concepts of the food industry

I know current main IT trends

I know and have experience of using mock-up/wireframe tools

I have experience of developing mobile apps/web applications

I have experience of 3D modelling processes

I have experience of using Adobe Creative Suite/Cloud

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Name of a professor which can provide reference (letter) (optional field)

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Have you ever attended degree courses or taken exams on the topics of the event (Google Design Sprint, design thinking, circular economy)?
If yes, please give details.
Have you ever attended degree courses or taken exams on the topics of the event (Google Design Sprint, design thinking, circular economy)?

Please fill in this mandatory field.

Have you ever had any working (or volunteering) experience?
If yes, please give details.
Have you ever had any working (or volunteering) experience?

Please fill in this mandatory field.

Attach a file here if you wish (e.g. a short portfolio (2-3 projects) for students of the Faculty of Design, curriculum vitae, … )
(jpeg/jpg, pdf)
Upload (max. 4 MB)
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The controller of the personal data is NOI Spa, Tax code number: 02595720216, headquartered at Via Volta 13/A, Bolzano (BZ), I-39100 - E-mail: PEC: 

The personal data you provide are processed as part of the "Students Sprint" Project of NOI S.p.A. to carry out the operations necessary for the registration and verification of the application for participation. These data will be processed, also in electronic form, by NOI S.p.A. as well as by external parties appointed as data controller. Failure to release them will make it impossible to participate. Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. The interested party may exercise the rights referred to in Articles 15-22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. 

For further information, please refer to privacy policy available here.

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I declare and confirm that the information provided in this form and its attachments is true

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I have read the Public Call for Student Selection and accept its terms and conditions

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I consent to receive communications on subsequent editions or similar initiatives (optional)

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I agree to the production and publication of images

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