Tech Transfer

R&D Consulting

We take companies under our wing. And guide them through research & development. 

Technology scouting, suitable partners, access to financing. This is how science becomes progress.

Our core competencies include consulting on and supporting research and development projects in our four technology fields: Green, Food & Health, Digital and Automotive/Automation. We support companies in scouting for new technologies, identifying scientific or industrial partners and accessing financing. This means you can talk to our competent staff in any field and at any time.

We take R&D seriously at NOI: from ideas in the lab to company-wide technological innovation.

Research and development. A serious matter. Research is primarily aimed at designing and testing new products or processes and takes place under laboratory conditions. Development, or applied research, bridges the gap between research results and economic reality, thus transforming research into technological progress.

We offer the following R&D consulting services for your company:

1. Project & funding proposal
Our comprehensive service spans from the conceptualisation of an idea to the completion of the application process: we will support your team in defining an R&D project, detailing the project’s description and collaborating on the application. We can also seek out national and international project partnerships within research and business fields if you wish. This can be done before application submission or during the project’s progression. Additionally, we can connect you with compatible start-ups at NOI Techpark. We can also explore financing options and identify suitable methods and locations for testing new prototypes.

2. Project management support
The most important milestone has been reached: your application has been approved. Now it is time for implementation: we will take care of project management, support you in attaining and chronicling the set objectives and work with you to find solutions should any obstacles get in the way. Additionally, we will serve as a liaison between research and your company.


3. Technical support
Is there a specific topic that has caught your interest, and you would like to find out whether it would make sense to start corresponding R&D activities in your company? Within the framework of our technology sectors, we will delve into the subject with you and support you in developing new products or services.


4. Coaching (customised to suit your needs)
Do you need advice on an R&D topic that does not fit within our existing services? If your company operates in one of our technology sectors, we can put together a personalised R&D consulting package tailored to your needs.

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Workshops, conferences, concerts, shows, open days. Innovation takes on countless forms. Come and visit us!

NOI Bozen-Bolzano | Fraunhofer Italia ARENA
11:00 - 12:15
Tech Transfer
NOI Bozen-Bolzano | NOISE
18:30 - 20:00
Open Data Hub
NOI Bozen-Bolzano | Seminar Room 2
08:30 - 18:30