The Biophilia BarCamp is a first of its kind unconference style one-day in person event gathering biophilic lovers from all over Europe and beyond, focused on bringing together the latest trends, tools, case studies, stories, and best practices around biophilic topics in the fields of architecture, fashion, art, psychology, leadership and many others. Learning from biophilic peers will boost conversations and advance awareness and practice.
- When: 27th September 2024
- Where: Bolzano/Bozen, NOI Techpark
- Duration: 1 day
- lnformation and registrations
- Language: English
- Organisation: Living Future Europe
- Final registration: 23 September 2024
- Contents submission: 20 September 2024
The format will include a series of short presentations and workshops to ignite the most diverse, inspiring and effective conversation around the status and the future of biophilia. Are you an advocate for biophilia in architecture, design, art, biology, photography, psychology or any of the areas mentioned below?
1. Agriculture
2. Anthropology
3. Architecture
4. Art
5. City
6. Construction
7. Education
8. Fashion
9. lmagineering
10. Leadership
11. Photography
12. Product
13. Research
14. Verse
biophilia, biophilic design, regenerative sustainability, architecture, engineering, interior design, constructions, biology, psychology, mindfulness, agile management, indoor, outdoor, training, Dolomites, mountain, nature, beauty, South Tyrol, ltaly, collaboration, regenerative design, biophilia, Living Building Challenge, wellbeing, beauty, Living Future Europe, education, innovation, circular economy
Join us for an innovative and inclusive event designed to engage and inspire (27 Sep 2024). Connect with some of the most dedicateci experts, share your knowledge, and explore new ideas in an innovative and inclusive setting.
Why Attend?
- Gain insights from top professionals passionate about biophilic and regenerative design.
- Engage in meaningful discussions and expand your professional network.
- Experience the dynamic and forward-thinking atmosphere.
Are you ready to join like-minded professionals and talk about biophilic design in the ltalian district of innovation?