Are you full of creativity, bursting with ideas, and looking optimistically into the future? Then this is your moment to shine – at the IN MOTION Idea Contest!
About the IN MOTION Idea Contest
Are you creative, fascinated by innovation, and passionate about technology? Perfect – because we are looking for you!
The IN MOTION Idea Contest is a unique, technology-driven competition. It brings together students, researchers, professionals from companies, and startups to develop groundbreaking solutions for the future. This innovative format is celebrating its third edition this year!
What to expect?
From May 8 to 10, you will work around the clock at NOI Techpark in Bruneck with like-minded people to create innovative ideas and solutions. Three intense days full of creativity, exchange, and development await you!
The grand finale will take place on May 10 at the IN MOTION Tech Festival. Here, you will refine your pitches and present your ideas to an audience and an expert jury. The best concepts will not only be awarded but also receive the unique opportunity to further develop their prototypes through a professionally guided consulting and optimization process.
Are you ready to set innovation in motion? Then join us!
Important note on languages: German, Italian, English – everything is possible!
IN MOTION - Idea Lab ist ein Projekt von Automotive Excellence Südtirol. IN MOTION - ERDF1001 wird von der EU aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE 2021-2027) gefördert. Es ist ein dreijähriges Projekt von Menschen mit Leidenschaft für Technik und eine lebenswerte Zukunft - für Gleichgesinnte, die mitmachen wollen!
Südtirol ist der Ort, an dem die Trends und Technologien der Zukunft Gestalt annehmen.
Wussten Sie, dass in jedem dritten Auto in Europa Technik aus Südtirol steckt?
Überzeuge dich selbst davon, dass wir nur dann Lösungen für unsere Zukunft schaffen können, wenn wir uns bewegen.
AES-Mitgliedsunternehmen: Abuscom, Alupress, GKN Driveline, GKN Sinter Metals, Intercable Automotive Solutions, Intercable Tec, Tratter Engineering
Wichtigste Unterstützungspartner: Innovalley Südtirol
Netzwerk-Partner: Fraunhofer Italia, NOI Techpark, Regionalmanagement Pustertal, Sta, Thrive, Unibz, TBA, Industrio, MCI, Basis Vinschgau
Unterstützende Partner: ELPO, Micros Automation, brigl Logistics, Raiffeisenkasse Bruneck